Title: BDSM Big Drunk Satanic Massacre Afro Lou-CODEX
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG, Shooter
Developer: Big Way Games
Publisher: Big Way Games
Release Date: 10 Oct 2019
File Size: 2.43 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre Afro Lou PC Game – Big Drunk Satanic Massacre is basically a shooter with strong RPG elements – not that rocket-propelled gun, though. The game itself takes place in Hell where the main hero, Lou, is to find booze and rescue the hottest Mistress from the clutches of a fat clown. The game consists …
Big Drunk Satanic Massacre is basically a shooter with strong RPG elements – not that rocket propelled gun, though. The game itself takes place in Hell where the main hero, Lou, is to find booze and rescue the hottest Mistress from the clutches of a fat clown. The game consists of four levels / chapters representing different areas of Hell, such as the hellish Big Wack fast food café, Skeleton Slums and the Red Light District. The idea behind those levels is to kill specific bosses. Each boss represents a unique multistage fight and it is pretty challenging.
This Release Includes:
• BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre (main game)
• BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre – The Complete Soundtrack (DLC)
• BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre – Adult Only (DLC)
✓ UPDATE V1.0.33
BDSM Big Drunk Satanic Massacre Afro Lou Update v1.0.33-CODEX
1. Extract
2. Burn or mount the .iso
3. Run setup.exe and install
4. Copy crack from CODEX dir to installdir
5. Play
NOTES: This release is standalone and updated to v1.0.28.
The following DLC is included:
• BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre – The Complete Soundtrack
• BDSM: Big Drunk Satanic Massacre – Adult Only
General Notes:
• Block the game’s exe in your firewall to prevent the game from trying to go online ..
• If you install games to your systemdrive, it may be necessary to run this game with admin privileges instead
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