Title: Final Fantasy IV-RELOADED
Genre: Adventure, RPG
Developer: Square Enix
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
Release Date: Sep 17, 2014
File Size: 617.96 MB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, 1Fichier, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download Final Fantasy 4 PC Game – Seduced by the promised power of the Crystals, the kingdom of Baron begins employing unprovoked force to seize powerful crystals from peaceful nations. The dark knight Cecil – Lord Captain of Baron’s elite force, the Red Wings – is ordered by his king to obtain the Crystals, but soon begins to question the …
Seduced by the promised power of the Crystals, the kingdom of Baron begins employing unprovoked force to seize powerful crystals from peaceful nations. The dark knight Cecil – Lord Captain of Baron’s elite force, the Red Wings – is ordered by his king to obtain the Crystals, but soon begins to question the monarch’s motives. Enraged, the king accuses him of disloyalty, strips Cecil of his command, and sends him off to slay a mysterious beast that lurks in the nearby Valley of Mist. Cecil embarks on a fateful journey that will bring trials, betrayals, friendship, loss, and self-discovery. Can Cecil open his eyes and become the man of honor that he must be?
Now featuring full 3D graphics, fully-voiced dramatic cutscenes, and added content, this enhanced version of Final Fantasy IV brings back a favorite entry in the best-selling RPG franchise in the world.
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