Title: The Haunted Hells Reach MULTi6-iNLAWS
Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror, Indie, Shooter
Developer: KTX Software
Publisher: Valusoft
Release Date: 25 Oct 2011
File Size: 1.93 GB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.nz, 1Fichier, Google Drive, Uptobox, Uploaded.net
Free Download The Haunted: Hell’s Reach PC Game – All Hell Has Broken Loose!!! The Haunted is a fast-paced third-person action horror game that focuses on delivering an intense multiplayer experience. Your goal is to liberate cursed places and survive the assault from the minions of Hell. The game features several multiplayer modes such as co-op survival …
All Hell Has Broken Loose!!! The Haunted is a fast-paced third-person action horror game that focuses on delivering an intense multiplayer experience. Your goal is to liberate cursed places and survive the assault from the minions of Hell. The game features several multiplayer modes such as co-op survival, demons vs. humans and demonizer.
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